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  • 您當(dāng)前的位置:首頁(yè) > 旅游資訊 > 景點(diǎn)講解 > 飛霞風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)_語(yǔ)音導(dǎo)游詞


    • 來(lái)源:星輝國(guó)際旅游網(wǎng)
    • 發(fā)布:2014年10月10日
    • 作者:Bin
    • 人氣:4940


    Voice of English


        飛霞風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)總面積52平方公里,由北江峽江景區(qū)、飛來(lái)古寺景區(qū)、三霞洞觀(guān)景區(qū)、紫竹鐘聲景區(qū)、螺星翠林景區(qū)等5大景區(qū)組成。其中最具代表性的是飛來(lái) 峽、飛來(lái)寺、飛霞洞、藏霞洞、錦霞禪院和孔圣廟等景點(diǎn),它們均分布在飛霞山的密林幽谷之中,有山有水,有古有令,四時(shí)皆景,風(fēng)格各異。來(lái)到這里,您可能會(huì)處處聽(tīng)到贊美飛霞山的話(huà)語(yǔ),那就是“峽江美”、“飛來(lái)古”、“飛霞奇”。好,現(xiàn)在我就順著這樣的一條游覽線(xiàn)路,帶領(lǐng)著大家踏上暢游飛霞景區(qū)的開(kāi)心之旅。

        【游覽飛來(lái)峽江景區(qū)】各位游客,現(xiàn)在我們開(kāi)始游覽飛來(lái)峽江景區(qū)。我們的游船所在的北江,全長(zhǎng)五百多公里,流域面積四萬(wàn)七千多平方公里,與西江、東江井稱(chēng)廣東三大河流。北江有東、西兩個(gè)源頭,東源頭名叫湞水,出自江西省信豐縣:西源頭名叫武水。出自湖南省臨武縣。兩道水源流到廣東省韶關(guān)市匯合,稱(chēng)為北江,經(jīng)過(guò)我 們清遠(yuǎn),在佛山三水附近同西江匯合,匯入珠江口。從英德到清遠(yuǎn)市區(qū)的百里畫(huà)廊,是北江水面最為寬闊的的路段。我們現(xiàn)在溯源而上,進(jìn)入北江三峽的中宿峽。因?yàn)榍旯潘嘛w來(lái)寺聲名遠(yuǎn)播,所以中宿峽也叫飛來(lái)峽。在到達(dá)飛來(lái)峽之前,我和各位貴賓先分享一下清遠(yuǎn)的旅游文化資源。





        湟川文化以包容開(kāi)放、多元融匯形成“通道文化”。連州騎田嶺南天門(mén)古道和連江水網(wǎng),是古代南北經(jīng)濟(jì)往來(lái)的黃金走廊、文化交流的綠色通道,也曾作為關(guān)隘發(fā)揮軍事作用。南天門(mén)古道從連州直達(dá)荊楚,成為溝通嶺南與中原第一條完整的官道。南北商貨從此流通,中原的文化加速向嶺南傳播,使嶺南民風(fēng)民俗發(fā)生變化,人才輩 出。也使湟川文化成為清遠(yuǎn)文化最早的核心板塊,并一直維系到連卅一帶古關(guān)、古道經(jīng)濟(jì)功能的漸漸弱化,才使這個(gè)核心轉(zhuǎn)移到峽江。


        峽山文化發(fā)端于“天下第十九福地”,古代叫清遠(yuǎn)山,也就是今天的飛來(lái)寺所在地。西漢景帝年間(公元前156—140),茅山派祖師茅盈在他所著的《茅君內(nèi)傳》一書(shū)中,就把清遠(yuǎn)峽山列入全國(guó)道家仙山七十二福地、名列第十九,這就是“十九福地”的來(lái)歷。經(jīng)過(guò)兩千多年的發(fā)展,形成了道教文化、佛教文化和儒家思想 三家圓融合一的特征,十九福地佛教、道教同在一個(gè)山頭,飛霞山儒釋道的三家祖師共聚一堂,對(duì)話(huà)千年。




























        到了三更時(shí)分,雷電交加,風(fēng)雨大作,地動(dòng)山搖。延柞寺在空中穿云越霧,徐徐飛行。黎明時(shí)分,終于降落在峽山頂上,貞俊禪師睜開(kāi)眼睛兩位神人已經(jīng)不見(jiàn)。貞俊禪師想試試自己的佛力,高聲念道:“寺能飛來(lái),為什么不能飛去?”誰(shuí)知空中竟傳來(lái)一聲回答:“動(dòng)不如靜?!彼来笏乱呀?jīng)落地生根了。他在寺里走了一圈,只見(jiàn)除了偏殿崩塌一角之外,大殿莊嚴(yán)壯麗,絲毫不變,其他禪房僧室也都如常。開(kāi)門(mén)再看:只見(jiàn)奇峰環(huán)抱,云霞繚繞,林木參天,飛泉瀉谷,果真是一個(gè)勝地。便滿(mǎn) 心歡喜地住下來(lái)。


        大寺飛來(lái),驚動(dòng)了附近的蕓蕓眾生,上山參觀(guān),絡(luò)繹不絕,并且不約而同把它叫做飛來(lái)寺,梁武帝給它賜名至德寺,倒沒(méi)有人理睬。后來(lái)竟連峽山也被稱(chēng)為飛來(lái)峽,成為一個(gè)游覽區(qū)了。古寺從此坐鎮(zhèn)峽山并因此而得名,佛道和諧相依,建飛泉亭、交影亭、愛(ài)山亭、歸猿洞等十余處佳境。后來(lái),人們聽(tīng)說(shuō)是黃帝的兩位兒子搬來(lái)的, 就在附近建了一座帝子祠來(lái)紀(jì)念他們。

        文獻(xiàn)記載,飛來(lái)寺始建于梁武帝普通元年(公元520年),與南華寺、白云寺并稱(chēng)為嶺南三大古剎。古寺原建在半山,元代天歷二年重修并大規(guī)模擴(kuò)建,成為當(dāng)時(shí)嶺 南最大的寺廟,也稱(chēng)“清遠(yuǎn)峽山寺”。開(kāi)山祖師名叫貞俊,因?yàn)闅v代都有高僧大德住持,并且有第十九福地牌坊、讀書(shū)臺(tái)、東坡亭、九級(jí)瀑布、歸猿洞等勝跡,所以香火鼎盛。1997年5月8日,遭千年一遇的洪劫,江邊寺廟盡被沖毀。2004年6月16日,經(jīng)政府廣結(jié)善緣、善長(zhǎng)仁翁竭力捐助,飛來(lái)寺重建開(kāi)光。


        據(jù)《禺峽山志》記載:相傳唐朝廣德年間,舉人孫恪上京趕考名落孫山,在洛陽(yáng)閑游,誤入魏王池畔袁氏大宅,邂逅袁姓女子,并一見(jiàn)鐘情,結(jié)為連理,生下兩個(gè)兒子。十多年之后,孫恪南下廣州赴任,船過(guò)峽山,到飛來(lái)寺求福。當(dāng)袁氏夫人聽(tīng)山上猿聲四起,便匆匆卸下手腕上佩戴著的玉環(huán),交給老和尚惠幽之后,與丈夫和兩 個(gè)兒子哭別。接著現(xiàn)出原形,追趕猿群返回飛來(lái)寺后面的深山。原來(lái)袁氏就是惠幽早年馴化、贈(zèng)給唐朝天子的白猿。在“安史之亂”中走失,嫁給孫恪?;萦囊?jiàn)到玉環(huán),認(rèn)出白猿的真面目。當(dāng)袁氏恢復(fù)原形返回深山后,孫恪父子悲痛欲絕。兩個(gè)兒子帶著母榮留下的金鎖,一頭栽進(jìn)北江的深潭,化為兩頭犀牛。每逢農(nóng)歷十五月圓 之夜,它們都會(huì)浮出水面,封著飛來(lái)寺后面的仙猿峰痛哭長(zhǎng)嘯。原來(lái)孫恪的兩個(gè)兒子本是峽江中的兩頭犀牛,與袁氏有著一段母子之緣。  







        為什么起名叫“飛霞”呢?這與飛霞洞創(chuàng)始人麥清揚(yáng)和本地的風(fēng)光特點(diǎn)有關(guān)。據(jù)說(shuō)麥清揚(yáng)在飛霞洞基本完工時(shí),曾和手下一班人走上旁邊獨(dú)松峰頂上,邊欣賞邊思考起名的問(wèn)題。這時(shí)剛好雨過(guò)天睛,一團(tuán)團(tuán)霞霧從山谷升起,殿宇上空云蒸霞蔚,非常壯觀(guān)。看到此情此景,麥清揚(yáng)猛然聯(lián)想到唐代詩(shī)人王勃《滕王閣序》中的佳句: “落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長(zhǎng)天一色”。于是,他馬上決定從第一句找出“飛霞”兩字作為洞名,再?gòu)牡诙页觥伴L(zhǎng)天”兩字為自己的字。就這樣,這個(gè)洞就叫“飛霞洞”,而他自己也從此改名叫“麥長(zhǎng)天”了。各位貴賓:這位麥長(zhǎng)天當(dāng)年為了飛霞古洞的籌建,曾在東南亞一帶發(fā)動(dòng)信徒籌集資金,歷經(jīng)17年艱辛,最后才 建成了飛霞古洞。

        現(xiàn)在我們來(lái)到飛霞古洞的主殿“三教圣真殿”,又簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)“三教殿”。它是飛霞創(chuàng)建人麥長(zhǎng)天的一個(gè)創(chuàng)造。將中間那位佛教創(chuàng)建人“釋迦牟尼”、左邊的道教創(chuàng)始人“太上老君”和右邊的儒家始祖“孔夫子”——即“懦、釋、道”三家的創(chuàng)建人,都供奉在一個(gè)殿堂內(nèi)。麥長(zhǎng)天還獨(dú)創(chuàng)了一種蓮花燈,宣傳“紅花白藕青荷葉,三教本來(lái)是一 家”,說(shuō)儒釋道三家就像紅蓮花、白蓮藕、青荷葉,表象雖然不同,實(shí)質(zhì)上本體歸一。麥長(zhǎng)天的思想體現(xiàn)了一種圓融和諧、世界大同的崇高境界,令飛霞古洞在相當(dāng)長(zhǎng)的一段時(shí)間里,香火鼎盛,也使百里畫(huà)廊人文蔚起,為清遠(yuǎn)峽山文化注入了新的亮點(diǎn)。正是:



    這是無(wú)極宮。它是飛霞主體建筑的最高層,叫“無(wú)極宮”,又叫“瑤池金母殿”。供奉的是王母娘娘,也就是玉皇大帝的母親。這個(gè)殿在其他地方是極少見(jiàn)的。為什么耍建這個(gè)殿呢?這也跟麥長(zhǎng)天的經(jīng)營(yíng)思想有關(guān)。在建造飛霞洞時(shí),麥長(zhǎng)天千方百計(jì)想在規(guī)模、氣勢(shì)等方面超過(guò)旁邊的藏霞古洞。麥長(zhǎng)天知道,藏霞洞有一個(gè)玉皇殿,里面供奉著玉皇大帝。一般來(lái)說(shuō),玉皇大帝已經(jīng)是至高無(wú)尚了,沒(méi)有什么神能超越他。麥長(zhǎng)天找來(lái)找去,最后終于在《西游記》中找到了玉皇大帝的母親王母娘娘, 也就是這個(gè)瑤池金母。他認(rèn)為,你藏霞洞有玉皇大帝殿,我飛霞洞有玉皇大帝母親的殿,不是比你更高一層了嗎?于是,麥長(zhǎng)天就建了我們現(xiàn)在看到的這個(gè)“瑤池金 母殿”,其意思就是“永無(wú)止境”和“最高層次”。


        現(xiàn)在我們開(kāi)始參觀(guān)藏霞古洞。藏霞洞處在密林深處和幽谷之中,是一座先于飛霞洞開(kāi)發(fā)數(shù)十年的洞觀(guān),建于清代同治二年(1863年),至同治九年竣工,創(chuàng)建人是 清遠(yuǎn)道教徒林法善大師?!安叵肌钡拿?,據(jù)說(shuō)是因?yàn)樘炜罩械脑葡硷h到這里就很少流動(dòng),而且經(jīng)久不散,因此稱(chēng)之為“藏霞”。這里在上午和黃昏時(shí)分,廟宇常常是深藏在虛無(wú)縹緲的云霧之中,若隱若現(xiàn)。宛如仙境一般。站在藏霞古洞的大門(mén),看到的是道教王靈宮的神像。他后面兩邊各有一棵百年樹(shù)齡的桂花樹(shù)。每逢深秋花 季,這里掛滿(mǎn)金黃色的桂花,香飄四溢。前面還有道教中的“柳、樟、榆”三位神仙,故叫為“三仙寶殿”。站在三仙寶殿前放眼四周,左是獅山,右是象山,對(duì)面是螺星嶺。這里確實(shí)是一塊十分神奇的地方。


        各位朋友:我們現(xiàn)在看到的是“錦霞禪院”。禪院在飛霞、藏霞兩洞下面的中間,與飛霞、藏霞鼎足而立。它前身叫“壺天少駐”,始建于清宣統(tǒng)三年(即1911 年)。原先是麥長(zhǎng)天籌建飛霞洞時(shí)的暫住地,所以又叫“飛霞初地”。飛霞洞建筑工程全面竣工之后,麥長(zhǎng)天又于1933年將它改建為禪院。這里四面環(huán)山,每天 只有正午前后可獲得較多的陽(yáng)光照射,加上樹(shù)木蔭蔽,環(huán)境非常清幽。周?chē)N有很多花木,桃花樹(shù)、李子樹(shù)、梅花樹(shù)、紫荊花、玉蘭花等等,春暖花開(kāi)時(shí)節(jié),到處繁花錦簇,燦若明霞,故稱(chēng)“錦霞”。

        院前有一條溪澗橫過(guò),每當(dāng)陽(yáng)春三月,桃花在這里盛開(kāi),因而錦霞禪院叉稱(chēng)“桃花村”?,F(xiàn)在村前門(mén)樓上仍然刻有一幅楹聯(lián):“桃花蟠結(jié)千秋果,源水瀠洄十里村”,所贊的就是這里的秀美景色。再說(shuō)當(dāng)年飛霞洞建好之后,麥長(zhǎng)天就搬過(guò)去住了下來(lái),而他為了不讓這里丟空,就在這里供奉觀(guān)音菩薩。觀(guān)音是屬佛教的,所以叫“錦 霞禪院”。

        此外,這山上 還有長(zhǎng)天塔、修行精舍、軒轅黃帝廟、松峰亭、洗心飛瀑等多個(gè)景觀(guān)。近年來(lái),飛霞景區(qū)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施和服務(wù)條件不斷完善。河鮮市場(chǎng)為游人提供多種北江河鮮和土特產(chǎn)品,各種車(chē)船只為游人提供游山玩水工具。飛霞別墅、樂(lè)普山房和飛霞山莊為游人提供不同檔次的餐旅服務(wù)。同時(shí)飛霞山還建有游泳池、籃球場(chǎng)、歌舞廳、滑索等娛 樂(lè)運(yùn)動(dòng)項(xiàng)目。每年一度的“飛霞廟會(huì)”也于春節(jié)期間在這里舉行。


        最后,我給大家介紹坐落在飛霞北江岸邊洞口廣場(chǎng)的孔圣廟。它占地1.3方平方米,總建筑面積2千平方米,由牌坊、孔圣殿、名賢殿、碑廊和陳列館等組成。大家知道,飛霞山是嶺南三教名山,它除了“三教祖師同供一殿”的飛霞洞外,還有佛寺飛來(lái)寺、道觀(guān)藏霞洞,卻缺了一座儒家的孔廟。而景區(qū)新建的孔圣廟正式落成并 對(duì)外開(kāi)放,正好填補(bǔ)了這一空白,從而使廣東名山一飛霞山成為名副其實(shí)的“三教同山”。

        孔圣廟中間為孔圣殿,供著圣人孔夫子及顏回、曾參、孔攸、孟軻、朱熹等12先哲。廟的兩旁為名賢殿,里面塑有駐留過(guò)清遠(yuǎn)的張九齡等12位名流賢士。兩邊則是 東西碑廊:東碑廊鐫刻著朱汝珍、關(guān)山月、陳永正、郭子緒、王楚材等古今書(shū)法家的作品;西碑廊則是“儒典精要壁”??逃?萬(wàn)余字,都是“四書(shū)五經(jīng)”中的經(jīng)典 章節(jié)。殿外廣場(chǎng)上,是雕欄玉砌,綠草茵茵,盛開(kāi)的杜鵑和紫荊花緞陳其間。可見(jiàn),孔圣廟不是簡(jiǎn)單的仿古建筑工程,而是一項(xiàng)盛大的文化建筑工程。作為偉大的教育家,孔子的思想影響了一代又一代的后人,在廣東建設(shè)文化強(qiáng)省的今天,孔圣廟的建成必將起到積極的促進(jìn)作用。


    Feixia Scenic Area

        Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to visit Feixia scenic area.

        Feixia scenic area with a total area of 52 square kilometers, is composed of five major scenic spots, including the Beijiang River Three Gorges scenic spot, Feilai Temple scenic area, three holes, bell resorts, Luoxing forest scenic spots. The most representative attractions are Feilai canyon, Feilai temple, Fexia Dong, Cangxia Dong, Jin Xia temple and Confucius Temple.

        Here we come to visit the Feilai canyon scenic area. The Beijiang River, with a total length of more than 500 kilometers and the drainage area of 47,000 square kilometers, together with Xijiang river and Dongjiang river are reputed as well known three major rivers in Guangdong. Beijiang River comes from two sources,which join up with each other in Shaoguang city. Source on the east originated from Xinfeng County, Jiangxi province. Source on the west originated from Linwu County, Hunan province. The scenery gallery from Yingde to Qingyuan City, is the most wide sections of road along Beijiang River. We are now traveling the Zhongsu gorge of the Three Gorges of Beijiang River. The Zhongsu gorge is also known as the Feilai Conyon.

        Before  reaching Feilai canyon, I’d like to share tourism cultural resources of Qingyuan with you frist. According to geographical and cultural characteristics, tourism cultural resources of Qingyuan can be divided into three sections, including Xiashan culture, Huangchuan River culture, as well as Yao and Zhuang autonomous culture.

        Among them, Yao and Zhuang autonomous culture mainly displays the minority culture ofLiannan and Lianshan Yao village, which covering two ethnic minorities of Liannan and Lianshan Autonomous County and other minority townships in Qingyuan.

        Yao and Zhuang culture, with unique ethnic customs of Yao and Zhuang autonomous, carries the mysterious and colorful ethnic culture. Huangchuan river culture with Huangchuan as the main part, together with the history and culture of Lianjiang coastal areas, covers area including Lianzhou, Yangshan and parts of Liannan County.

        South Gate Road of Lianzhou Qitian Ling and Lianjiang river network, are the green channel of the corridor for North and South economic exchanges and cultural exchanges at ancient time, also served as military role. South Gate Road from Lianzhou to Chu has became the first official road connecting with Lingnan and the Central Plains area. Since then, commercial goods from north to south has opened, to accelerate the spread of the Central Plains culture to Lingnan which brought great change of Lingnan folk customs.

        Xiashan culture refers  to the historical culture of Feilai canyon and Feixia mountain, and its cultural concept covering Yingde,Fogang and Qingyuan.

        Xiashan culture is originated from the nineteenth blessed paradise which is named as Qingyuan mountain at ancient time, where the Feilai Temple is located. In the Western Han Dynasty, Qingyuan Xiashan mountain is included in the national 70 blessed Taoism mountains. After the development for about two thousand years, it formed as a mountain with the Taoism culture, Buddhism culture and Confucianism culture.

    Weare now going to enter the Zhongsu Canyon.

        The name of Zhongsu Canyon has been used since Han Dynasty. At that time, Qingyuan was also once named as Zhongsu County. Zhongsu canyon, with a total length of 9 km,has 36 peaks on its both sides which shaped in different poses and with different expressions. At that time, the writer Su Dongpo left a poem to praise the beautiful scenery and nature's extraordinary of this area.

        Here the ancient temple, pavilion and buildings are hidden among the verdant trees, forming quaint and quiet beauty. Whenever a sunny day, the verdant hills and green bay is really intoxicating. In rainy season, misty mountains and clouds formed the famous scenery of Misty Rain of Fei Xia.

        With an exquisite scenery, this area has been attracted many writers and painters visit here and left poetry or calligraphy since ancient time, such as Zhang Jiuling,Han Yu in Tang Dynasty; Su dongpo, Yang Wanli in Song dynasty; Tang Xianzu in Ming dynasty and Qu Dajun in Qing dynasty.

        In addition to these scribes, there’re also a dozens of monk poets. Their poetry is not only rich in special flavor but also enjoys a very high artistic achievement.

        In addition to the poems or paintings in the mountain culture above mentioned, there are also many beautiful and magical legend, as well as a large number of stone,forming the four major attractions of Xiashan culture.

        Now,we have come to the birthplace of Xiashan culture, which is the nineteenth blessed paradise and Feilai Temple.

        Originally this place was known as Qingyuan Mountain, as nineteenth blessed paradise for Taoism. It is said that Taiyu and Zhongyang who were sons of emperor Huang came to here in 520 years AD. They came up with an idea of building a temple here when they faced with such a good place.

        They flew over the Anhui Yanzuo temple through clouds, and settle down on the square.Taiyu said to Buddhist monk that there’s a best place for Taoism in Feilai mountain in Qingyuan and suggested that he ought to set up a Taoism place there.Buddhist monk had no idea how to answer them when he knew two gods came to visit him.

        In the mid-night, with thunder and lightning, wind and rain, the earth was moving.Through the clouds and fog in the air, Yan Zuo temple finally landed at the top of the Feixia mountain at dawn. When Buddhist monk opened his eyes know temple has taken root in Qingyuan. He walked around in the temple found that the magnificent hall and other monks rooms are also as usual in Buddhist temple except a collapse on the corner of the hall. Opening the door, it is surrounded by peaks,towering trees, waterfalls and valley, is really a resort. And the collapse was made when the temple flying through Meiling and hit the peak of it in Jiangxi province,this is the Gua jiao temple in Nanxiong. Later was named Yunfeng temple.

        The Flying temple alerted numerous people nearby to visit the mountain and they called it Feilai temple. Emperor Liang has named it as Zhide temple and later also known as Feilai canyon as a tourist area. Besides, there’re also Feiquan pavilion,Jiaoying pavilion, Aishan pavilion and ape hole and more than ten of the attractions.Later, people heard that this temple was moved by the two sons of emperor Huang Di, thus they built a temple to commemorate them.

        According to the record, flying temple was first built in 520 AD, together with Nanhua temple and Baiyun temple were known as three major ancient temples in Lingnan. Temple was originally built in the mid-mountain and has became the biggest temple in Lingnan after the large-scale expansion during Yuan Dynasty, which also knownas the Xiashan temple in Qingyuan. The founder named Zhen Jun. What’s more, there’re also memorial arch, reading platform, Dongpo Pavilion, waterfalls and ape hole. In May 8, 1997, the temple was washed out bythe river. In June 16, 2004, the government appealed philanthropists to donate money to rebuilt Feilai temple.

        Among the famous historical site, the legend of the ape hole is the most touching.

        According to records in Tang Dynasty, Sun Ke failed in exam in Beijing then traveled in Luoyang.He met a woman whose surnamed is Yuan, they get married and gave birth to two sons. When Ms. Yuan heard ape cries on the hill, she removed jade bracelet onher wrist to the old monk later and said goodbye with her husband and sons. After more than a decade, Sun ke with his family came to Feilai temple to pray for blessing. Then she turned into as an ape and returned to the forest behind Feilai Temple. Originally Ms. Yuan was the white ape that the old monk had donated to Tang emperor. When Yuan restored the prototype and returned mountains, Sun Ke and his son was distraught. His two sons with gold locks his mother left plunging into the river and turned into two rhinoceros. His sons werethe rhinoceros in Xiajiang river and had a fate with Ms.Yuan.

        The story of human felt in love with ape has been used as the inexhaustible material to public. In 2007, Qingyuan government has carried out Cantonese Opera contest activity for the 20th anniversary of Qingyuan, two operas and a Cantonese duet also referring to story between human and ape. This shows that the Xiashan cultural impact deeply in pulicity.

        Now,please follow me to experience the birthplace of  Xiashan culture.

        This is Feixia Ancient Cave, was founded in 1911. Covering the construction area of 20000 square meters, there are more than 200 rooms and halls. It was used to worship three patriarchs of the Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and numerous Buddhas.

        The name of Feixia is related to founder of Feilai Cave Mai Qingyang and the characteristics of the local scenery. It is said that Mai Qingyang once saw clouds of mist rising from the valley after the storm, thus named this templeas Feixia Cave. Ladies and gentlemen, in order to build Feixia ancient cave,Mai Qingyang had launched believers to raise funds in Southeast Asia area. Then 17 years later, the Feixia ancient cave was successfully built finally.

        Now we come to the main hall of Feixia ancient cave, which is called three religions palace. In the middle is Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism; On the left is the founder of Taoism named Lao Zi; On the right is Confucius who is the Confucian ancestor. The thought of Mai Qingyang reflects a lofty realm of harmony, which bring bright spot to Xianshan culture in Qingyuan.

        This is Wuji palace, it is the highest building of the main building in Feixia moutain. It is used to worship goddess Wang Mu who is the mother of the jade emperor.The reason why build this palace is related to the business ideas of Mai Qingyang.He believe that Feixia cave ranks higher than Cangxia cave, because there is Yuhuang palace used to worship Jade Emperor in Cangxia cave while there is temple usedto worship the mother of the jade emperor in Feixia cave.

        Now we come to visit the Cangxia ancient cave. Cangxia ancient cave, nestling in the forest and valley, was built in 1863 by Qingyuan Taoists master. Here the temple is often hidden in the illusory clouds like a fairyland in the morning and at dusk. Standing at the door of Cangxia cave you can see the statue of Taoist Wang Lingguan. Behind him there’s a hundred year old osmanthus tree stands on each side. In front of it is Sanxian palace which is used to worship three gods. Standing in front of palace and looking around, there’re Lion mountain onthe left, elephant mountain on the right and Luoxing Ling on opposite.

        Here we come to Jin Xia Temple. The temple, was constructed in 1911, situated below Feixiacave and Cangxia cave. It was formerly as temporary residence of Mai Qingyang,so called Fei Xia Chu Di. After the construction project of Feixia cave was completed,Mai Changtian turned it into a monastery temple in 1933. Here surrounded by mountains, only can get more sunlight at midday, with shade trees, the environment is very quiet. There are a lot of flowers and trees standing around,such as peach tree, plum tree, Bauhinia flower, jade orchid and so on.

        As tream running across the temple, whenever in March the peach blossoms here are in full bloom, so it is also known as Peach village. When Feixia temple was builtit was used to worship Guanyin Bodhisattva.

        In addition, this mountain has Changtian tower, practice abode, Huangdi temple,Song Feng pavilion, waterfall and many other scenic spots. In recent years, the infrastructure and service conditions of Feixia scenic area has constantly improved. Fish market provide a variety of seafood and freshwater fishes and local products of Beijiang for visitors, all kinds of vehicles only provide tools for visitors to make a sightseeing tour. Feixia villar, Leshan room and Feixia camp all provide different levels of hospitality services for visitors. At the same time, Fei Xia mountain also has swimming pool, basketball, dance halls and other entertainment projects. The annual Fei Xia Temple Fair is also held here during the spring festival.

        Finally,I will give you a general introduction of Confucian Temple. It covers an areaof 13,000 square meters, with a total construction area of 2,000 square meters,consisting of memorial arch, Confucian palace, galleries and other components.As we all know, Feixia mountain is a famous mountain with three religions in Lingnan.There’re Buddhist Temple, Taoism Cangxia cave and Confucian Temple in Feixia cave, thus it has became one of famous mountain in Guangdong.

        Confucian palace sits in the middle of Confucian Temple, to worship more than 12 sages,including Confucius, Zhu xi, Yan hui and many others. On both sides of the temple is Sage palace, which has been resided 12 celebrities who lived in Qingyuan once. On both sides of the corridor are engraved with ancient and modern Calligrapher's works and classic chapters with more than 30,000 words of Confucian classics. Outside the temple square with green grass, blooming azaleas and Bauhinia brocatelle are surrounding. Obviously Confucian Temple is not a simple antique temple but also a grand cultural architecture. As a great educator, Confucius’s thought has affected the descendants generation after generation.

        Each scenic attractions of Feixia scenic area forming a breathtaking scenery and picturesque landscape which would make you relaxed and happy. I believe that you will have a preliminary understanding of Fei Xia mountain today. At the same time, I hope that mountains and rivers and abundant cultural remains here will leave you a beautiful memory.

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